Travel Behaviour Modification (TBM) Program for Adolescents in Penang Island di Nur Sabahiah Abdul Sukor, Nur Khairiyah Basri edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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Travel Behaviour Modification (TBM) Program for Adolescents in Penang Island

Intervention Ideas to Promote Sustainable Transport





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Descrizione Travel Behaviour Modification (TBM) Program for Adolescents in Penang Island

This book discusses the potential of travel behaviour modification (TBM) as a persuasive tool to promote low-carbon mobility among adolescents on Penang Island by highlighting the role of bus usage in a sustainable urban lifestyle. The participants of the Reduce Carbon Footprint Campaign, which aimed to create sustainable transport and pro-environmental awareness among adolescents, were recruited from secondary schools on Penang Island. Campaign materials, such as bus routes maps and discount travel cards for students, were provided by Rapid Penang, the leading bus operator in Penang. The campaign also involved several intervention programmes, including motivational sessions and classes for travel journey planning.

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