The Transitive Nightfall of Diamonds di Fred Schrott edito da iUniverse
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The Transitive Nightfall of Diamonds

A Collection of Bad-Boy Poetry and Other Assorted Fish Tales







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Descrizione The Transitive Nightfall of Diamonds

A collection of unique bad boy poetry, The Transitive Nightfall of Diamonds is sure to send the reader into a cerebral tizzy-just keeping up is half the battle and all of the fun! The proverbial, "Long-time listener and first-time caller" takes readers on a journey of sight and sound, that both titillates and tantalizes the auditory senses. The poems can only be described as a psychedelic stew of various addictions meets whining divorcee, meets mental health, meets mid-life crisis, meets renewed youth, meets reality check, meets recovery. Quite simply, it's a compendium of everyday problems for everyday people with a couple of solutions thrown in for good measure. In 2006, while contemplating divorce from his wife of thirteen years, author Fred Schrott left his home to travel around the southwest and Northern California in his Coachmen trailer. He was urged to start journaling by his marriage counselor but normal writing seemed a bit boring, so the author decided to purge his brain in poetic form. His goal right from the beginning for The Transitive Nightfall of Diamonds was to communicate with anyone and everyone through observation and humor. Don't Hate the Player Hey, don't hate the player. Get your hate on the game. I'm the same old bad boy with just a different name. Seventeen long years ago everything was all the same, but then the crazy traveling sent me to the zoo again...

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