Transforming Corporate Culture: 9 Natural Truths for Being Fit to Compete di Lisa Jackson, Gerry Schmidt Phd edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Transforming Corporate Culture: 9 Natural Truths for Being Fit to Compete





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Descrizione Transforming Corporate Culture: 9 Natural Truths for Being Fit to Compete

In an era of unprecedented transformation, today's workplaces are stressed, overloaded, and burned out. Organizations don't change, people do. We have only touched the tip of the iceberg of what sustains great human performance in a collaborative, service-driven economy. Now more than ever, presidents and their teams need to understand what culture is, how it drives competition, and how to reshape their company's ability to lead and gain buy-in for ongoing change; deliver consistent growth rates, exceeding corporate goals; serve demanding customer needs better, faster, and with greater value; and foster greater employee ownership and commitment. Transforming Corporate Culture draws nine lessons from nature as a uniquely relevant lens for today's business challenges. Drawing stories and practical examples from culture changes led by CEOs and presidents, this book shows that survival of the fittest is not just a science theory, but a principle for gaining a competitive edge in business.

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