Transformation Groups Poznan 1985 edito da Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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Transformation Groups Poznan 1985

Proceedings of a Symposium held at Poznan, July 5-9, 1985





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Descrizione Transformation Groups Poznan 1985

Bounds on the torus rank.- The equivariant wall finiteness obstruction and Whitehead torsion.- Homotopy actions and cohomology of finite groups.- Normally linear Poincar¿omplexes and equivariant splittings.- Free (?/2)k-actions and a problem in commutative algebra.- Verschlingungszahlen von Fixpunktmengen in Darstellungsformen. II.- An algebraic approach to the generalized Whitehead group.- Almost complex S1-actions on cohomology complex projective spaces.- A product formula for equivariant Whitehead torsion and geometric applications.- Balanced orbits for fibre preserving maps of S1 and S3 actions.- Involutions on 2-handlebodies.- Normal combinatorics of G-actions on manifolds.- Topological invariance of equivariant rational Pontrjagin classes.- On the existence of acyclic ? complexes of the lowest possible dimension.- Unstable homotopy theory of homotopy representations.- Duality in orbit spaces.- Cyclic homology and idempotents in group rings.- ?2 surgery theory and smooth involutions on homotopy complex projective spaces.- Proper subanalytic transformation groups and unique triangulation of the orbit spaces.- A remark on duality and the Segal conjecture.- On the bounded and thin h-cobordism theorem parameterized by ?k.- Algebraic and geometric splittings of the K- and L-groups of polynomial extensions.- Coherence in homotopy group actions.- Existence of compact flat Riemannian manifolds with the first Betti number equal to zero.- Which groups have strange torsion?.

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