Transform Your Soul di Irene Fulmer Rn edito da iUniverse
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Transform Your Soul

Reflections of a Nurse on Compassion, Healing, and Divine Power







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Descrizione Transform Your Soul

Transform Your Soul: Reflections of a Nurse on Compassion, Healing, and Divine Power offers reflections for anyone who wants to minister to the sick and needy. Writing from a deep longing to honor nurses, Irene Fulmer, a practicing nurse herself, has collected her reflections on nursing into a single volume to inspire others by the richness of this sacred calling of nursing and the transformational power it holds. Nurses are the hands that touch and the voices that bring the message of caring to the sick and dying. They are the key to every kind of healing, for compassion is the true healer within each of us. The daily labors of love, patience, and hard work have offered precious seeds for healing to the sick. In these essays, Fulmer addresses the need to recover the soul of nursing and to reclaim and reintegrate the tenets of Florence Nightingale¿timeless and noble ideals acknowledging that nursing is a calling and a spiritual practice. Fulmer suggests that this is the right direction for nursing to take in order to move forward. She also considers the idea that nursing is a reflection of the divine; its calling brings caring and compassion to the sick. Today, Nursing and America are at a crossroads. It must now clarify its destiny and redefine itself or be in danger of losing its soul, its meaning, and its relevance in today's world. There is hope for the future of Nursing and America. As its' soul becomes transformed, all society will experience healing and rebirth.

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