Tracks without the Hermit di Winston I. L. Edwards edito da
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Tracks without the Hermit

A bio of transition through the filters of not enough sex, low quality drugs, & cassette mix tapes of rock'n'roll






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Descrizione Tracks without the Hermit

Tracks Without the Hermit is a bio about the author's transitions through the filters of not enough sex, low quality drugs, & cassette mix tapes. Quote from Book: Though, I remember eating Chef Boyardee and watching "Return of Godzilla" on a milk crate at my Grandparent's apartment in Oakland, California. I had the option of a tray with legs, but I was bohemian. I could get right into every scene. What was this cat's bag? It seemed to me if I were that big; I'd be quite content. Holy Shit, look at Super X attack, the tanks, the soldiers, and all the screaming little folk! It's the environment,that's all. That's why He's so pissed; just like me. Environment! My anger is now transposed onto Godzilla. I think I figured something. Oh, Godzilla just blew Freud out of the water. Haven't told Ma yet. The 80's were strange. What was teen-hood like; if being a kid was that off key? What trampling squaller?

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