Tracing Numbers di Kelle Lima edito da Writerverse Journey
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Tracing Numbers

ASL Handwriting Book



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Descrizione Tracing Numbers

Early math for kids in a fun way! Teach numbers, counting, ordering, and much more with this inclusive book! It includes painting, drawing, and cool interactive activities (like high fiving the book!). This book is friendly to teach both hearing, deaf or any kids in between, since it also includes American Sign Language. Great handwriting math book for early learners! This can be used for homeschool, preschool, kindergarten or supplemental learning. Hands-on activities make learning special! It will help your child learn through:Finger tracing Picture elements counting Numbers & Number Words Practicing Hand gestures (ASL) Interactive activities (including coloring, matching, spotting, etc./) Number steps & guidelines Free Handwriting Note: Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I'm glad to assist you if needed! Reach me on Instagram: @mamaishere2021 ----------------------------------------------------- ¿ OTHER BOOKS YOU'LL LOVE¿ -----------------------------------------------------

Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
€ 11.33
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