Toxic Water, Toxic System di Prof. Michael Mascarenhas edito da University Of California Press
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Toxic Water, Toxic System

Environmental Racism And Michigan's Water War





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Libro Toxic Water, Toxic System di Prof. Michael Mascarenhas

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"In this inspiring work, Michael Mascarenhas issues a clarion call to use bolder, more accurate language to confront environmental racism as intentional actions perpetrated by elites in the service of white supremacy, vulture capitalism, and genocide. That's what I call tellin' it like it is!"--David Pellow, author of What Is Critical Environmental Justice? "Theoretically rigorous and empirically rich, this book is a compelling read for anyone interested in the roots of inequality in the United States."--S. Ravi Rajan, Olga T. Griswold Chair and Professor of Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz "Mascarenhas and We the People of Detroit make an incredible team, crafting a book that is community based, historically and empirically rich, and clear in its vision and recommendations for the future of water."--Kyle Whyte, University of Michigan

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