Towards an Understanding of Volunteerism in the Nursing Profession di John Francis Jr. Faustorilla edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Towards an Understanding of Volunteerism in the Nursing Profession

An Emerging Theory





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Descrizione Towards an Understanding of Volunteerism in the Nursing Profession

Since nursing volunteers nowadays grow in numbers, the author aimed to find out the definition of the concept of volunteerism in the nursing profession as perceived by the partner institution heads and volunteer registered nurses. Instead of simply looking into the lived experience of the nurse volunteers at work, despite the highly paid jobs abroad, the author decided to use Grounded Theory to arrive at a framework based on the data taken from the rich experiences of the country's unsung service providers. This book attempts to present the various codes, categories and contexts that interlink to further give an understanding on how a nurse actualizes his role of changing lives of the people in his society through volunteerism. Emergent to this book is the Triad of Understanding Volunteerism in Nursing, which is composed of the emerging views on volunteerism, the volunteer experience and the volunteer program.

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