Toward a New Common School Movement di Noah De Lissovoy, Alexander J. Means, Kenneth J. Saltman edito da Taylor & Francis Ltd
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Toward a New Common School Movement





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Descrizione Toward a New Common School Movement

Toward a New Common School Movement is a bold and urgent call to action.The authors argue that corporate school reform in the United States represents a failed project subverted by profiteering, corruption, and educational inequalities.Toward a New Common School Movement suggests that educational privatization and austerity are not simply bad policies but represent a broader redistribution of control over social life-that is, the enclosure of the global commons. This condition requires far more than a liberal defense of public schooling. It requires recovering elements of the radical progressive educational tradition while generating a new language of the common suitable to the unique challenges of the global era. Toward a New Common School Movement traces the history of struggles over public schooling in the United States and provides a set of ethical principles for enacting the commons in educational policy, finance, labor, curriculum, and pedagogy. Ultimately, it argues for global educational struggles in common for a just and sustainable future beyond the crises of neoliberalism and predatory capitalism.

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