Tough Chicks Go to Bed (Tabbed Touch-And-Feel Board Book) di Cece Meng edito da HOUGHTON MIFFLIN
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Tough Chicks Go to Bed (Tabbed Touch-And-Feel Board Book)

An Easter And Springtime Book For Kids

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Descrizione Tough Chicks Go to Bed (Tabbed Touch-And-Feel Board Book)

It's bedtime for the three tough chicks, Penny, Polly, and Molly, in this adorable tabbed touch-and-feel board book. Sweet sleepy text paired with humor and bold illustrations make this a perfect gift for the special little one in your life.It's time for Penny, Polly, and Molly to go to sleep-at least Mama Hen says so! But the Tough Chicks are too excited-they've got too many things to do. Penny has the wiggles, Polly has the giggles, and Molly is ready for adventure. How can the very clever Mama Hen get these energetic Tough Chicks to sleep? This gentle bedtime story embraces a sweet bedtime routine and focuses on relaxation techniques that can help kids let go of their day and transition to sleep-just like our Tough Chicks! Each tabbed page features a soft touch-and-feel element.

Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
€ 13.56
Disponibile in 5-6 giorni
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