Touching the Heart of Milton Keynes: A Social Perspective di Susan Popoola edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Touching the Heart of Milton Keynes: A Social Perspective

A Social Perspective







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Descrizione Touching the Heart of Milton Keynes: A Social Perspective

Milton Keynes comes to life in this concise, yet comprehensive and multi-dimsensional exploration of a city often misunderstood. Carefully and lovingly researched, this is a tale of roundabouts and concrete cows, of ancient settlers mostly marginalised and in danger of being forgotten, of a promising football team, of lakes and water sports, a thriving business and social community with unique issues and a promising future. The reader is drawn into ¿a place of growing beauty and charm that truly has something for everyone¿. Details are woven together with the robust opinion of a proud stakeholder. A strong sense of the author¿s experience of and passion for the city is conveyed right through the pages. ¿It occurs to me that of all those who will benefit from this book, it is most valuable to the city herself. Milton Keynes will be very proud of a certain patrotic author resident called Susan Popoola. ¿ Nnamdi Dime, CEO, Dimensional Solutions Ltd

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