Torturing Terrorists for National Security Imperatives di Michael D. Sears edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Torturing Terrorists for National Security Imperatives

Mediated Violence on "24"





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Descrizione Torturing Terrorists for National Security Imperatives

Although the use and efficacy of torture as an interrogation technique has been debated publicly for centuries, torture reemerged as a public issue in the United States following the attacks of September 11, 2001. The television program ¿24¿ also premiered at this time and quickly became known for its violent content and questionable portrayals of torture and torturous violence. The purpose of this study was to analyze mediated violent content as seen on "24" in order to determine if a relationship existed between heroic characters inflicting torturous violence and justifying the act with a national security imperative. This study also examined the prevailing mode of violence, use of lethal and nonlethal weapons, as well as the portrayed efficacy of torturous violence. A seven-year period, or six seasons of ¿24¿ were analyzed, with a sample set of 43 episodes and 445 individual acts of violence. The analysis addresses criticisms and praises alike for ¿24¿ concerning its presentation of violence and torture. The results should be especially useful for professors and experts of media studies and media violence, or anyone else who is aware of or has watched ¿24".

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