Tortured Mind's The Accused di Perry Zenon edito da Borders Personal Publishing
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Tortured Mind's The Accused





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Descrizione Tortured Mind's The Accused

The First in the Tortured Mind's Trilogy Detective Adams thinks training the two new detectives assigned to his division will be a piece of cake, until the body of an accused pedophile is found slaughtered in his own bedroom and Adams needs his new partners' help in solving the growing case. A self-righteous vigilante confesses to the murder of the pedophile only to reveal his plan of continuing his murder spree of accused criminals still free until the detectives bring him to justice. From the heart of the mystifying French Quarters to the sensual River Walk the vigilante laced a web of murders for the detectives to untangle. Detective Adams, with the help of his two protégés Detectives Roberts and Radcliff, find himself facing a moral dilemma of allowing the murders of the city's scum or bring to justice the only person able to bring justice to the accused.

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