Tortuga Bay di Sr. Staley, James C. Hamer edito da Southern Yellow Pine (Syp) Publishing LLC
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Tortuga Bay





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Descrizione Tortuga Bay

When the Spanish royal navy chases the Caribbean's most notorious pirates into Port-au-Prince, Isabella and Jean-Michel are faced with the grim choice of running the blockade or joining a budding revolution that could spark a slave uprising. Isabella's run-in with a Voodoo priestess, high in the mountains of French-controlled Saint-Domingue, complicates her decision. She is forced to choose between her loyalty to Jean-MIchel and the crew, her forbidden love for a dashing army captain, and the freedom of thousands of slaves. Isabella soon realizes her path hinges on the prophecy that has dogged her since childhood and her dramatic escape from the sugar plantation. What does the prophecy really mean? Tortuga Bay continues the swashbuckling saga of Isabella and Jean-Michel. It began in The Pirate of Panther Bay as they crisscrossed the 18th century Caribbean Sea, wreaking havoc upon the Atlantic slave trade and the colonial economies of Spain and France

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