Torpedoed! Surviving the Lusitania di David Dubczak edito da Conjunction Media
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Torpedoed! Surviving the Lusitania



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Descrizione Torpedoed! Surviving the Lusitania

Passengers set sail aboard the RMS Lusitania after an ominous warning: submarines might sink her before she arrives in England! It's the First World War, and Great Britain is at war with Germany. Despite the war, two thousand people dare to ignore the warning and travel anyway. Seventeen-year-old deckhand Leo Masterson joins the crew of the RMS Lusitania at the last minute. He knows the Lusitania is fast enough to outrun any submarine! But the uncertainty of sailing into a warzone makes all the passengers and crew nervous. The night before they reach the English coast, Captain Turner asks Leo to help get all the lifeboats ready for lowering. Should Leo be worried?

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