Topics in Pediatrics edito da Springer New York
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Topics in Pediatrics

A Festschrift For Lewis A. Barness





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ALLEN W. ROOT On November 11 and 12, 1988, a "Festschrift" was held to honor "our Chief;' Lewis A. Barness. Who is our Chief, and why was such an occasion held? I will not attempt to describe him in terms of his scientific and scholarly accomplish­ ments, which have spanned more than four decades. Rather, I will describe the characteristics of an individual whose concern for humanity has made him the quintessential role model for countless students, residents, and graduate pediatri­ cians around the world. The Chief's concern is manifested by his love for chil­ dren and his tireless efforts on their behalf, as well as his genuine affection for his colleagues, all of whom are also his friends. During the 2-day celebration, many of these friends had an opportunity to make comments which I believe capture portions of the essence of this remark­ able human being: Many of us are better persons because of our association with the "Chief . . . :' Many of us have chosen pediatrics as a career as an unspoken act of tribute to him . . . . We love you and we thank you for making the world a better place to spend some time. (F. Oski) Lew fulfilled all our dreams . . . We all wish we could have done half so well. (R. Klein) [Your] ever-present evidence of concern for your fellow man . . . it is the quality of car­ ing. (T.

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