Top Shelf di David G. Keith edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Top Shelf





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Descrizione Top Shelf

Investigator Jack Keller, seriously injured by a crazed man seeking revenge, recovers sufficiently to return to work at the Rocklin County Sheriff's Department. It doesn't take long for him to be assigned a new murder case-a bizarre crime that involves a beheaded victim, a person he knows. He teams up once again with Detective Mia Serrano-McCallister, who is balancing her career as a homicide detective with the challenges of being a new mom to CJ. The case takes them out of the country to find the man responsible for the murder, where complications soon arise. Hold on tight as Top Shelf takes the reader on a wild ride with many twists and turns. It will keep you on the edge of your seat, all the way up to the explosive and shocking conclusion!

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€ 18.66
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