A Toothfully Spellbinding Summer di Ellen Cappello edito da iUniverse
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A Toothfully Spellbinding Summer

Book 2 of the Magical Fairies







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Descrizione A Toothfully Spellbinding Summer

It has been a year since tooth-fairy-in-training Breeze Willabean was kidnappedcarried through a portal and into the dead, colorless world of the Dark Kingdomand had her wings clipped. Ever since, Breeze has been forced to behave as the child of Rowan and Mazey Zaffino, a wacky couple who believe this world filled with decaying and hopeless fairies is better than Tooth Kingdom. When the Zaffinos see life returning to their dark world, they realize they may soon be able to find their long-lost daughter, Zaren. But first, the Zaffinos need to get their hands on a magic fairy dust recipe that unfortunately only the magic maker possesses. Desperate for help, the Zaffinos offer freedom and the possibility of having a kingdom of her own to Breeze in exchange for her assistance in leading them to the magic maker. Now as Breeze contemplates whether fulfilling her dream of being queen of her own kingdom is worth the trouble, she has no idea how her decisions will impact those around her and the rest of Tooth Kingdom. In this captivating fantasy tale, a tooth-fairy-in-training embarks on an adventure that teaches her the consequences of her actions and leads her to set wrongs right.

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