Too Good to Be True di Taylor Mcconaghy edito da iUniverse
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Too Good to Be True

Book One of the Beholder Trilogy







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Descrizione Too Good to Be True

Fifteen-year-old Myra just wants to go home. Years ago, she was abducted at recess by strange men. Now she shares a small house in the woods with four other victims. Myra, Jason, Amy, Derek, and Alex know the only things that stand in their way of escaping are a chain-link fence and their ingenuity. But what they do not know is that Myra may be the one who secretly holds the key to their freedom. Unfortunately, every time one of the teens tries to escape, the others are punished with lengthy lockdowns. But when Myra discovers a secret tunnel under a disappearing floor, she decides it is time to rely on her special abilities to help the group. As the teens begin to develop an elaborate getaway plan, Myra suddenly witnesses a flash of something mysterious in the eyes of one of her friends. Now she is uncertain whether everyone is who they claim to be-or even if they are on the same side. In this adventurous tale, just when she thinks she has tasted the sweetness of freedom for the first time in six years, Myra soon realizes that it may just come with a hefty price.

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