Tomorrow's Capitalist: My Search for the Soul of Business di Alan Murray edito da PUBLICAFFAIRS
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Tomorrow's Capitalist: My Search for the Soul of Business

My Search For The Soul Of Business





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Descrizione Tomorrow's Capitalist: My Search for the Soul of Business

"The core tenets of a system that dominated the world for more than a century are being challenged as never before. [This book] captures the profound transformation of capitalism and the people leading the corporate world today. The walls that once insulated these leaders from the turbulent social, economic, and political forces in society have melted away. Now corporate leaders are face to face with public realities in unprecedented ways. Increasingly, they are embracing a new openness, acknowledging the public demand for them to be more socially aware and responsive. They clearly see that we are at a tipping point: narratives about the failures of capitalism, the greed of the one-percenters, and the blindness of corporations to public need have made their mark and compel change"--Publisher marketing.

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