Toltec Noon: Book Three of the Toltec Conquests, an Alternate History Adventure di R. J. Hore edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Toltec Noon: Book Three of the Toltec Conquests, an Alternate History Adventure





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Descrizione Toltec Noon: Book Three of the Toltec Conquests, an Alternate History Adventure

TOLTEC NOON, the final Book of the Toltec Conquests plays out, set in 1215AD, the Toltec Empire has conquered England and Ireland, and set its sights on Europe. Contending with revolts from within and without, as the expanding Empire struggles to rule their English provinces, with three protagonists struggling to survive. Fergus continues to plot in the devious world of London politics. Taking matters into his own bloodied hands, he lets nothing stand in the way of becoming the high priest. But there are others as ruthless. General Mixcoatl must lead an army into Scotland before he can assume the rank of governor of the province. But old debts and old passions return to plague him as a new and deadly crisis rises from across the ocean. Rowena's lover and the father to her unborn child has left for the wars across the Channel and she fears he will not return, or if he does, it will be impossible for him to wed her. Hunted by assassins, she must leave those she loves and once more strike out on her own. Religious politics blaze hot, wars rage, and blood is shed as these three struggle for power and the ultimate good of the land.

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