Toltec Dawn: Book One of the Toltec Conquests, An Alternate History Adventure di Hore R. J. edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Toltec Dawn: Book One of the Toltec Conquests, An Alternate History Adventure





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Descrizione Toltec Dawn: Book One of the Toltec Conquests, An Alternate History Adventure

915 AD: The vast treasure fleet of China's Tang Dynasty reaches the western shores of North America, encountering the emerging Toltec Nation1115 AD: With advantages of steel and gunpowder acquired from China, the emerging Toltec Empire's junk, Golden Jaguar, makes landfall on the coast of Ireland.1215 AD: Amid wars, rebellion and plague the Toltec Empire has stretched across the Atlantic, conquering England and Ireland and setting its sights on the Continent beyond. 12:15 AD: Captain Mixcoatl, a hero of the Toltec Empire settles in with his wife at his new command at a fortress overlooking the provincial town of London.. Across the Irish Sea in Cashel, a local youth Fergus, renounces Christianity and is apprenticed to the service of the Toltec God Tezcatlipoca. On the road to nearby Saint Albans, Rowena, a young Saxon girl, trying to flee to the continent, falls into the hands of a band of outlaws. In a very different history where a New World empire conquers the old, where English knights in armour battle Toltec warriors with gunpowder, three very different people struggle to survive turbulent times beset with wars, rebellions and religious strife.

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