To Provide A Framework For Securities And Exchange Commission Supervision And Regulation Of Derivatives Activities, And For Other Purposes. edito da Bibliogov
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To Provide A Framework For Securities And Exchange Commission Supervision And Regulation Of Derivatives Activities, And For Other Purposes.







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Descrizione To Provide A Framework For Securities And Exchange Commission Supervision And Regulation Of Derivatives Activities, And For Other Purposes.

The BiblioGov Project is an effort to expand awareness of the public documents and records of the U.S. Government via print publications. In broadening the public understanding of government and its work, an enlightened democracy can grow and prosper. Ranging from historic Congressional Bills to the most recent Budget of the United States Government, the BiblioGov Project spans a wealth of government information. These works are now made available through an environmentally friendly, print-on-demand basis, using only what is necessary to meet the required demands of an interested public. We invite you to learn of the records of the U.S. Government, heightening the knowledge and debate that can lead from such publications.

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