To Find A Crooked Sixpence di Terry White edito da New Generation Publishing
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To Find A Crooked Sixpence





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Descrizione To Find A Crooked Sixpence

Marcus Moon and his company, CONDES, are back to take on another job - a lucrative port design project in the remote Indian Ocean. Typically, things don't go according to plan and they unwittingly become embroiled in a dodgy enterprise involving crooked MPs and greedy government officials. As ever, the Moon nose sniffs out the rotten apple in the form of Nobby Garside - MP for Mexborough East and deputy chairman of the Department for International Development's Aid Committee - who, along with his equally shifty cohorts in the Comorantes Islands' government, attempts a fraud scam worth millions. But Nobby hasn't reckoned on Moon's ingenuity and cunning when it comes to protecting CONDES' reputation and business interests. Another riotously funny episode of greed, sex, corruption and comeuppance in the world of the irrepressible Marcus Moon.

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