TJ and the Magic Goat di Sheryl St George edito da Page Publishing Inc
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TJ and the Magic Goat





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Descrizione TJ and the Magic Goat

While TJ enjoys her life on the farm, she desperately longs for companionship. TJ soon meets Billy, a white pygmy goat with magical powers, and TJ finds her life suddenly transformed and filled with exciting adventures. DG, a young boy about the same age as TJ, moves into a house nearby. TJ and DG forge a fast friendship, as do Billy and DG's pet pig, Daisy. Discovering new areas surrounding their farms, the four friends quickly develop a bond of trust that only purity and innocence can create. Join TJ, DG, Billy, and Daisy on an enchanting journey where they encounter strangers that turn into friends and establish lifelong memories beyond their wildest expectations.

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