Time, Change and Freedom di Quentin Smith, L. Nathan Oaklander edito da Taylor & Francis Ltd
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Time, Change and Freedom

An Introduction to Metaphysics





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Descrizione Time, Change and Freedom

Written for the most part in an engaging dialogue style, Time, Change and Freedom covers metaphysical topics from a student's perspective and introduces key concepts through a process of explanation, reformulation and critique. Focusing on the philosophy of time, the dialogues cover such topics as the beginning and end of time, the nature of personal identity, and the relation of human freedom to theories of fatalism, divine foreknowledge and determinism. Each dialogue closes with a glossary of terms and suggestions for further reading. Time, Change and Freedom concludes with a discussion of the metaphysical implications of Einstein's theory of relativity and a review of contemporary theories of time and the universe. Written in an accessible, non-technical style, Time, Change and Freedom is an ideal introduction to the key themes of contemporary metaphysics.

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