Tim Richard's Jazz Piano Notebook - Volume 3 of Scot Ranney's "Jazz Piano Notebook Series" di Tim Richards edito da Lulu.com
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Tim Richard's Jazz Piano Notebook - Volume 3 of Scot Ranney's "Jazz Piano Notebook Series"







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Descrizione Tim Richard's Jazz Piano Notebook - Volume 3 of Scot Ranney's "Jazz Piano Notebook Series"

Scot Ranney's "Jazz Piano Notebook" series is a collection of jazz piano books written by Scot Ranney and other jazz pianists. Volume 3 is by Tim Richards, a renown jazz pianist, composer, and author of the acclaimed "Improvising Blues Piano" and "Exploring Jazz Piano" series' and other books [Schott Music]. "These are routines I believe are beneficial to anyone who understands the basics of jazz harmony and improvisation. I hope they throw a new slant on familiar chord sequences, or suggest new directions in your playing." Tim has been a presence on the international jazz scene since the early 80s and has over a dozen albums out as a leader, featuring line-ups from duo to nine-piece. The tips and exercises in this book will help strengthen the connection between your ears and fingers to make it easier to play what you want. Level: Intermediate to advanced. Paperback binding.

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