Thriving With Illness di Dennis O'Brien edito da Publicious Pty Ltd
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Thriving With Illness





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Descrizione Thriving With Illness

Dennis O'Brien is a Mechanical Engineer who was a senior director in an Australian consulting practice with branch offices in various locations around the world. He worked in many of these locations on major projects. While this was happening, he suffered from a rare disease caused by a tumour on the pituitary gland. Like many rare diseases this remained undiagnosed for years and had a major impact on his health. This included extensive time in hospital, a period of major psychosis and the amputation of his leg. The challenges of his profession were a key part in maintaining his enthusiasm despite his illness. This book recalls his experiences from his early years as very much a working-class boy through his education and employment in the engineering profession. In recent times he has taken up a role on the board of the Australian Pituitary Foundation which provides support to sufferers of pituitary conditions, education for medical staff and funds research into the diseases, all of which are rare. Proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the Australian Pituitary Foundation.

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