Thrice Caught: An American Army POW's 900 Days Under Axis Guns di Odell Myers edito da McFarland & Company

Thrice Caught: An American Army POW's 900 Days Under Axis Guns





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Descrizione Thrice Caught: An American Army POW's 900 Days Under Axis Guns

This gripping memoir tells the story of Second Lieutenant Odell Myers, a pilot in the 438th Squadron, 319th Medium Bombardment Group, 12th USAFF, who was captured by the Germans on three different occasions and imprisoned for almost three years. It is also the story of the men who were imprisoned with him.He was first seized on December 4, 1942, after his plane was shot down over Bizerte, Tunisia, and imprisoned in Chieti, Italy. The Italian surrender on September 8, 1943, caused his release, but he obeyed an Allied order to remain at the camp in Chieti and was then captured again and sent to a transient camp in Germany. On his first night there he escaped and held out for five weeks before he was captured the third time north of the Biferno River. He was sent to a camp at Barth, Pomerania, where he remained until liberated by Russian forces on May 1, 1945.

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