Those Were the Days di Dorothy Zuidmulder edito da ROSEDOG BOOKS
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Those Were the Days





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Descrizione Those Were the Days

Part of Those Were the Days took place at a time in the author's youth in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. The following subjects are discussed: gardening, farming, the buildings, school, church, social life, and, last but not least, the animals and the silly things they did. The farm is discussed and how things have changed over the years. In Those Were the Days the author attempts to convey what life was like years ago so both young and old can enjoy the past. This creates very relaxing, enjoyable reading for both young and old alike. Also, for the youth of America, this is an informative book that tells about farm life years ago. These subjects can provide knowledge for discussions in school classes. This would also be a good conversational piece for older people. About the Author Dorothy Zuimulder, who is a semi-retired professional, used to farm a dairy farm with her husband. The farm was in the family since 1901. It was located in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

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