This Time I Am Going To Get It Right di Louise Childs edito da iUniverse
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This Time I Am Going To Get It Right

Make Sure You Don't Forget To Use Your Resources







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Descrizione This Time I Am Going To Get It Right

No one is entitled to success; you have to work hard at it. Reflecting back on my life, I must say that providing your children with a definitive plan and giving them the tools to succeed in life by doing something positively constructive in life is relevant. My thoughts for writing this book have been culminating over the years and even though I never thought that I would write a book, I always had something to say. I figured writing a book would be the perfect platform to talk about what I have experienced about being disconnected and not knowing really what I wanted to do, so I did a little bit of everything. For some, they might think that doing a whole lot of things is interesting and audacious and other hand, some may view it pessimistically as being discombobulated. However, from my very own personal perspective, I view it as growth. Are you familiar with the story about the caterpillar that turned into a butterfly and was gradually leaving its cocoon? If you interfere with the process of trying to free the butterfly from its cocoon, the interference becomes injurious to the butterfly and it will never fly. The lessons and the experiences of life can be bittersweet, but they make us who we are and eventually we become that butterfly who is ready to spread its beautiful wings and fly.

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