This Is What It Takes di Danielle Brown, Amber Brown edito da Little, Brown Book Group
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This Is What It Takes





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Descrizione This Is What It Takes

Brandi Maxwell is living the dream...Except, the dream looks more like living on the breadline, scrubbing sick from couture dresses, and dealing with daily microaggressions about her braids - all things she's sure she can ignore in the name of success.The one thing she can't ignore is Taylor Hanson.Model, icon and heiress to the fashion house throne. Taylor only wants two things: her father's money and Brandi's boyfriend. Nothing will stand in her way. Certainly not a poor Black girl from New Jersey.But when Brandi overhears something she shouldn't, their fates become dangerously intertwined. And she must find a way to navigate the cutthroat world of deceptively beautiful people before she becomes fashion's latest victim.

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