This is INDY! di Ross R. Olney edito da
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This is INDY!






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Descrizione This is INDY!

The "Indy 500" is the most exciting auto race, on the most famous track, before the largest in-attendance audience for any sporting event ever in history. Every driver wants to win this event, assuring him or her fame forever and probably a huge amount of money as well. Drivers at Indy seem willing to take that "extra chance" to win, such as Rick Mears did in his chapter in this book by going high into even more danger instead of the low, less risky line on the track. The author has driven on the track at the Speedway in a race car, and has covered the race more than forty times as a reporter. The 500 is, he admits, one of his favorite topics about which to write in his over 200 book career, and he has written several books on this subject. He always looks forward to it every year on Memorial Day, either at the track or on television. He advises that everyone should see this great race in person at least one time, but that it is possible you can see more of the event on television.

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