This Is a Classic: Translators on Making Writers Global edito da BLOOMSBURY ACADEMIC
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This Is a Classic: Translators on Making Writers Global

Translators on Making Writers Global





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Descrizione This Is a Classic: Translators on Making Writers Global

This Is a Classic illuminates the overlooked networks that contribute to the making of literary classics through the voices of multiple translators, without whom writers would have a difficult time reaching a global audience. It presents the work of some of today's most accomplished literary translators who translate classics into English or who work closely with translation in the US context and magnifies translators' knowledge, skills, creativity, and relationships with the literary texts they translate, the authors whose works they translate, and the translations they make. The volume presents translators' expertise and insight on how classics get defined according to language pairs and contexts. It advocates for careful attention to the role of translation and translators in reading choices and practices, especially regarding literary classics.

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