This Earthly Life Matters di Arnold A. van Ruler edito da Pickwick Publications
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This Earthly Life Matters





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Arnold A. van Ruler was one of the most original Dutch Reformed theologians of the twentieth century. Through the term ""re-creation"" (Dutch: herschepping) he offers a radical affirmation of God's sustained loyalty to that which is material, bodily, and earthly. God's work of salvation and of consummation is necessary but then for the sake of creation. The path that he followed was diametrically opposed to that of Karl Barth and is also distinct from that of Jurgen Moltmann (who was influenced by Van Ruler). As an early exponent of Christian ecotheology, Van Ruler's oeuvre provides exceptionally rich resources for contemporary debates. This volume offers an English translation of selected essays by Van Ruler on the themes of God, creation, providence, humanity, sin, this earthly life, and animal protection. It includes some famous essays, for example, on God and chaos, the ""sunny side of sin,"" joy as the fundamental Christian attitude to life, and this earthly life. The selection is based on volume 3 of the Dutch scholarly edition of Van Ruler's Collected Works (published in 11 volumes). Few of Van Ruler's texts are available in English, so this volume provides a welcome addition.

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