A Third Cell in America di Richard D Ondo edito da iUniverse
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A Third Cell in America







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Descrizione A Third Cell in America

FBI informer and novice bounty hunter Richard Stern returns in this explosive second novel of the Richard Stern Series. A terrorist attack at the nuclear power plant in Perry, Ohio, ends when a bomb prematurely explodes, killing three female terrorists. The authorities believe all of the criminals in this particular terrorist cell have been accounted for, but further investigation proves them wrong: the possibility of an additional attack occuring on American soil is dangerously real. The FBI calls in Richard Stern. Blessed-or perhaps cursed-with the ability to give the FBI invaluable information through his alcohol-induced psychic dreams, Stern tells them that Washington DC may be the terrorists' next target. When it turns out that Stern's information may be credible, the FBI assigns two beautiful agents to guard him. Stern's alcohol problem and bumbling antics land the threesome in one difficult situation after another. But when Stern uncovers the recent revival of a previously thought dormant terrorist cell, the fate of Washington DC rests on his ability to force his demons into submission before the nation's capital succumbs to a horrific attack.

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