Third and Long di Steve Campbell edito da AuthorHouse
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Third and Long

Men's playbook for solving marital/relationship problems and building a winning team







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Descrizione Third and Long

It could happen to any man... As women's need for authentic, equitable relationships has emerged in recent decades, the challenge to men has never been greater; get better at relationships - fast - or else risk losing your partner, Today's stronger, more confident women are walking away from unsatisfying marriages in rising numbers. The good news is that the situation can be improved very quickly and men don't have to stop being men to do it. This book tells them how. After his own marriage failed and he began noticing other marriages were in trouble, Steve Campbell realized that men needed a to-the-point guide to getting better at relationships. Written by a man who's learned the hard way (and edited by his ex-wife!), Third and Long leverages the idea of game preparation and teamwork to convey to men how to be more authentic and loving in their romantic relationships. Third and Long helps men diagnose the areas in which their relationships might in trouble, and provides concrete ideas to begin fixing those problems right away. Perhaps most importantly, this book shows men to understand and address the need for deeper love and connection over the long-term. Concise yet loaded with valuable tips and plays that can be put into action immediately, Third and Long is the essential men's playbook for building a winning relationship team.

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