Think of Me When You Drink Tea di Quincella Rivers edito da iUniverse
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Think of Me When You Drink Tea







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Descrizione Think of Me When You Drink Tea

Because of her hearing impairment, as a child Quincella had a speech impediment. She was self-conscious of her speech and found solace in writing. When she was eleven, her mother bought her a diary, and Quincella began to write. The words flowed as she found a healthy outlet FOR her emotions, and as the words began to rhyme, young Quincella realized she was a poet. Think of Me When You Drink Tea is a soothing collection of poems that evokes deep feeling. Each poem is its own little story and draws on real-life experiences, as well as on hopes and dreams. Quincella's poems touch on fashion, art, love, and social justice. She hopes to inspire and empower, giving readers a sense of pride in who they are. While having a cup of tea, imagine the sound of waves crashing on a beach. Visualize yourself sophisticated, confident, and walking tall. Life is a journey filled with obstacles, triumphs, and failures, and Quincella's collection encompasses the emotions of all. Still, always remember: do not cry because things ended; smile because they happened.

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