Think Green Reading Level 3 Complete Set edito da Saddleback Educational Publishing, Inc.

Think Green Reading Level 3 Complete Set

Think Green




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Descrizione Think Green Reading Level 3 Complete Set

Even struggling readers can now explore these high-interest topics with their peers. Weve taken our Think Green series, page-by-page, and reduced the reading level while retaining the content and look of each spread. The front covers of each title are identical so struggling readers do not feel singled out. Each title methodically explains the tough problems faced by our planet plus solutions large and small. These informational books encourage inquiry and problem solving in science and social studies. The photographs, illustrations, and graphs invite repeated readings and develop a sense of wonder. Each softcover book is 65-pages and contains hundreds of colorful photographs, illustrations, charts, graphs, index, glossary, and Facts & Figures section.

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