Thin Air: The Cosmic Crime Fiction of Gustavo Bondoni di Gustavo Bondoni edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Thin Air: The Cosmic Crime Fiction of Gustavo Bondoni

The Cosmic Crime Fiction of Gustavo Bondoni





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Descrizione Thin Air: The Cosmic Crime Fiction of Gustavo Bondoni

Crime has always been around, and it will continue far into the future. Whether it's priceless artifacts disappearing from a sealed container, trading useless space rocks to aliens in exchange for something far more valuable, a genetically-modified, not-quite-human-anymore celebrity who dies under mysterious circumstances, ghosts achieving the perfect revenge, or robots finding the equivalent of digital drugs, the possibilities are endless for committing-and solving-any type of crime you can imagine. Find all of these, and more, in Thin Air: The Cosmic Crime Fiction of Gustavo Bondoni. The twenty-one tales in this volume represent over fifteen years of storytelling, giving unique perspectives from both heros and villains alike. Three of those stories appear here for the first time! So, tip back in your chair and read a few while listening to the city as it bustles by on the rainy streets below. This is sure to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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