The Thief's Gambit: Urban Fantasy Romance di Tavin Soren, Sarah Makela edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The Thief's Gambit: Urban Fantasy Romance

Urban Fantasy Romance





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Descrizione The Thief's Gambit: Urban Fantasy Romance

A thief working for a local mob boss gambles everything...all for the chance to love his boss's daughter.Timothy Sands is an experienced thief with an old gambling debt. Working for the local mob brings him face to face with a supernatural threat unlike anything he's ever experienced. It'll take all of his skills to complete his assignment and keep his loved ones safe. But his greatest danger will be meeting the mob boss's daughter.Letizia Prosdocimi is the only daughter of an influential crime boss. Her life forever changes when her father acquires a long-lost family heirloom. Not all is well since sinister events surround the amulet and her family. After being saved by the mysterious thief, she finds herself falling for him, but those who get too close to her usually wind up dead.A shadowy entity threatens to tear apart everything Letizia and Timothy hold dear by feeding on the living and turning allies against them. Who can they trust? Only by working together will they have a chance to beat the odds...and let their love grow.

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