They Fade and Die di A. K. Adams edito da New Generation Publishing
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They Fade and Die





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Descrizione They Fade and Die

Jane Lester from Yorkshire takes up a new job as a nanny with the Gardner family in San Francisco but a newspaper headline causes her concern - Headless Torso Found in Woods On the other side of the city, a young man called Jake Bauer has been missing for four months Dr. Gardner, a Cardiac Surgeon, and his Psychiatrist wife, Amanda, seem to be the perfect couple, but Jane began to wonder about their relationship She got on well with the children, Teresa and Ryan, but did Ryan always tell the truth? Could Jane trust Ryan? Could she trust anybody? The previous nanny, Caroline, had left the Gardner family before her contract ended. Why? Was there something to hide? Jane started to ask questions, but how do you tell lies from truth, fact from fiction? It's easy . . . you don't

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