They Chose to Major in Engineering di Adrienne Smith edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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They Chose to Major in Engineering

Why Some Young Women Choose to Enter and Persist in Undergraduate Engineering Programs





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Descrizione They Chose to Major in Engineering

This research focuses on women who are currently studying in the fields of engineering in an effort to determine whether or not common themes emerge that impacted their decision to major in these academic programs. Specifically, this study aims to better understand what factors exist that influence women to study engineering. Despite the fact that research has been conducted in this area, the findings from these studies do not appear to have had an impact on the number of women who choose to major in engineering upon entering college, as this number has not been increasing. The goal of this study is to provide for the following: Policy makers, high school guidance counselors, and the colleges and universities involved in this study can be better informed and benefit from knowing what factors influence women to major and persist in the field of engineering at their respective institutions.

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