They Called Themselves Slave di Brown Donald Brown edito da Westbow Press
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They Called Themselves Slave

A Brief Study Of The English Translation Of The Koin Greek Word Dolos (Slave) In The New Testament In The Context Of Love And Obedience





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The book is an easily readable book which shows that the English translation of dolos (slave) as servant (diakonos) is incorrect. The argument put forth is well documented, researched, and clearly presented to those of any religious or non-religious persuasion and academic level. "Interpretation is an explanation of what is not immediately plain in the Bible...because of the multifaceted character of the Bible, and its interpretation takes a variety of forms. ...A basic requirement for the understanding of these documents is the grammatico-historical interpretation or exegesis bringing out of the text the meaning the writer intended to convey and which their readers were expected to gather from it...the meaning of the text for hearers today must be related to its meaning for the hearers to whom it was first addressed." F. F. Bruce "Scholars who deal seriously with literary texts have a name for texts that do not correspond to the actual words of an author. Such a text is called a corrupt text. It is defined as a text that has been changed from its original and reliable form to something different from that standard-a text that has been altered from the original, intentionally or unintentionally." Leland Ryken

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