There Is No God of Lotteries di Christine Komodowski edito da iUniverse
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There Is No God of Lotteries







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Descrizione There Is No God of Lotteries

Faye Sophia is a middle-aged, creatively impotent artist in limbo. As her 52nd birthday looms, Faye attempts to answer letters in the advice column she pens to keep food on her table, knowing all the while that her own path through life has not been the smoothest. Long-divorced, retired from her insurance company career, and living alone since her children moved away, Faye has come to the sad realization that this stage of her life is very different from what she had imagined. After many years as a successful artist, she cannot even summon the creative inspiration to complete the three sculptures that sit untouched in her basement workroom. As a single parent, Faye once managed family, job, and her art-until eight years ago, when a crisis forced her to make a choice that changed three lives forever. But when a phone call brings her news that her ex-husband is dying, she is transported back into her memories. She struggles to understand the consequences of that fateful decision: loss of faith in herself, her life, and in the future. There Is No God of Lotteries is the compelling tale of a woman's emotional quest to find peace of mind, an understanding of her place in the universe, and, most importantly, belief in herself.

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