Theology Of Wagner's Ring Cycle II di Richard H. Bell edito da James Clarke & Co Ltd
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Theology Of Wagner's Ring Cycle II

The Genesis And Development Of The Tetralogy And The Appropriation Of Sources, Artists, Philosophers, And Theologians





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Descrizione Theology Of Wagner's Ring Cycle II

Wagner¿s Ring addresses fundamental concerns that have faced humanity down the centuries, such as power and violence, love and death, freedom and fate. Further, the work seems particularly relevant today, addressing as it does the fresh debates around the created order, politics, gender, and sexuality. In this second of two volumes on the theology of the Ring, Richard Bell argues that Wagner¿s approach to these issues may open up new ways forward and offer a fresh perspective on some of the traditional questions of theology, such as sacrifice, redemption, and fundamental questions about God. A linchpin for Bell¿s approach is viewing the Ring in the light of the Jesus of Nazareth sketches, which, he argues, confirms that the artwork does indeed address questions of Christian theology, for those inside and outside the church.

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