Theology of the New Testament: A Postcolonial Perspective di Delano Vincent Palmer edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Theology of the New Testament: A Postcolonial Perspective

A Postcolonial Perspective





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Descrizione Theology of the New Testament: A Postcolonial Perspective

Resisting the call of those who say that a New Testament Theology should confine itself to a descriptive agenda, this tome intentionally showcases the works of Caribbean theologians (Chapter 1), highlights throughout the most recent Creole translation in the region, surveys what the authors believe to be the main theological ideas of all the NT corpora (Chapters 2-6), and, finally, provides a unique synthesis in the form of a commentary. The book also ignores the criticism of the major players within the guild of Majority-World theology that much of postcolonial religious reflection is mimicry by privileging the hermeneutical I-deology of the only world religion emanating from the Caribbean.

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