In Theaters Everywhere di Brian Hannan edito da McFarland & Co  Inc
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In Theaters Everywhere

A History of the Hollywood Wide Release, 1913-2017





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Descrizione In Theaters Everywhere

Conflicts among Hollywood studios and exhibitors have been going on for years. At their heart are questions about how films should be released--where, when and at what speed. Both sides of this disagreement are losers, with exhibitors using the law via various Consent Decrees and studios retaliating by tightly controlling output. In the Silent Era, movies were not released nearly as widely as they are now. This book tells the story of how the few became the many. It explores the contraction of the release cycle, the maximization of the marketing dollar, and the democratization of consumer access. It also offers a comprehensive list of wide releases and rebuts much of what previous scholars have found.

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