The Theater of Angels: Redeeming Affliction di Robert Petterson edito da COVENANT BOOKS
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The Theater of Angels: Redeeming Affliction





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Descrizione The Theater of Angels: Redeeming Affliction

From the author of Desert Crossings comes a breathtaking journey into unseen realms. The author pulls back curtains to reveal a vast theater filled with dazzling arrays of celestials. Fire angels fly there on silent wings. Fallen angles escape wastelands of liquid air to find their places in this Theater of Angels. These angels have seen the face of God, and yet they see more of his glory in our struggle and suffering. They study us intently, sifting through even our throwaway moments as if they were precious treasure. Each moment of our lives is of cosmic importance to both God and angels. In this innovative book we are transported to the mysterious land of Uz and given a front row seat to one of the most glorious dramas ever written: Job's victory over his ash heap sufferings. We are then taken to another ash heap outside Jerusalem to see a cosmic triumph in the greatest story ever told. In these, and other inspiring stories, we discover penetrating insights for redeeming our own afflictions. This is not PG-rated drama for the faint of heart. Yet, we leave the theater with renewed encouragement to soar triumphantly from our ash heap sufferings.

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€ 18.07
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